Passion Tech Co.Ltd sign an agency agreement with the Beckhoff

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2011, Passion Tech Co.Ltd Beckhoff Automation GmbH in Germany sign an agency agreement
Germany, Beckhoff Automation GmbH headquarters in Germany,Weir City. Company with offices around the world, coupled with global partners, currently the company's business has more than 60 countries
Beckhoff PC-based automation is always new technology as the company's development philosophy, which produce industrial PC, field bus modules, drives, and TwinCAT control software constitute a complete set of compatible control system, for various industrial fields provide an open and complete automation solutions. The past 20 years, times the good fortune of the components and system solutions around the world have been widely used.
Passion Tech Co.Ltd with Beckhoff Automation GmbH, Germany join hands to provide you with better automation solutions.